Sole Product Designer
Increased user sign up 2x
Increased sales outreach 2x
User Research
Brand Identity
UI Design
Biteline is a B2B/B2C startup that helped dental offices find staffing . Their website lacked clarity explaining the defining business value as well as a clear onboarding process to interested customers.
- Lack of clear site navigation per persona
- Outdated copy and branding
- Poor and inconsistent UI leading to usability issues
The team had previously identifed and interviewed existing users for the platform
I used Dovetail to transcribe, find, and share user insights. Community and Self-Empowerment consistently were mentioned as motivations for using the platform.
- As the website scales, how can we build the site to encompass community resources?
- Dentists want to know how hygienists are certified. Dentists will also want to know how their employees are onboarded.
Given our two distinct users between dentists and hygienists, we needed to strike an inviting and professional tone.